Standing Practice

A qigong, or energy exercise,  does not have to be complicated to be effective. One of the most popular and effective qigongs is also the simplest. Zhan Zhuang is a qigong in which we simply stand still for a period of time.

Here is a Zhan Zhuang posture which is called “embrace the tree”. Try to stand like this for five minutes.

Knees should be slightly bent – less so than in this drawing! Try to feel as though you’re sitting on a big rubber ball. There are two smaller balls under your arms, and your arms are around the tree. 

Try to really feel the tree. Feel the rough bark on the skin of your hands, on the inside of your arms and against your breastbone. 

Without losing your vertical alignment, try to relax and release your joints, starting from the ankles and working upwards.